Hi, this is NeverStops$miling's blog. Feel free to do whatever you feel like doing! :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Man Who Had No Eyes - Summary

This story is about a discussion between a homeless man named Markwardt and a richer man named Parsons. The homeless man was trying to win the richer man's sympathy by telling him how he became blind. He said that a bigger man slowed him down while rushing out of an area contaning smudg. The poor man becomes surprised because the richer man tells him that it's the other way around; that Markwart slowed him down. Markwardt tried to get the people's attention by yelling at Parsons and saying how he could do that to a blind man. Parsons the tells him that he is blind as well. The moral of this story is that you should always feel sorry for yourself and have to much self piety. Everybody is capable of succeeding in life even if they have a disability.   

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pitbull's Product Placement

This music video here shows a product placements in  ''International Love'' by Pitbull featuring Chris Brown. In this music video, at several moments, a product is being advertised. The product is Voli Vodka (alcohol).
The technique used to show this product is that they make sure we see the brand name clearly and that someone is enjoy the product. I thinnk they're reaching their target. Their target is people who enjoy partying and drinks.